Category Rant, Rant Over

A place where I vent my frustration for the strangest things!

Double doors

Right this actually happens on a daily basis, luckily I’m not the only one that gets annoyed by this, on numerous occasions my colleague has said “honestly it’s just common sense”.  So here it is, why is it when people are… Continue Reading →

The elephant race

Right, why is it when you’re on a dual carriage way happily travelling at the speed limit does a truck think it’s acceptable to pull out and overtake the truck in front about 1mph faster. It takes it so long… Continue Reading →


I’m not being funny but because I live in the surrounding areas of Hull I can only get one wired internet connection and that honour goes to the company currently called KCOM. I say currently because this company is that… Continue Reading →

3 Years Matured Cheese – Guest Grumble

Let me introduce the first guest grumble, clearly this person has an issue with ‘vintage cheese’ Right. Cheese, I like cheese, the stronger the better in my opinion, but I have a problem… Why on God’s (there are more than… Continue Reading →

Swimming Etiquette – Learn what it means!

Right, not being big headed but I’m a good swimmer. However when I go swimming there are a couple of things that just really wind me up. Every swimming pool that has laned swimming should have signs up at the… Continue Reading →

Shop bought sandwiches and Flora

Okay so this might not be a problem to many people but there is one thing that just winds me up is why so shop bought sandwiches ALWAYS CONTAIN MAYO?? I am allergic to raw eggs, yes I know most… Continue Reading →

The issue with the umbrella

This has happened on more than one occasion. You are walking down a busy high street and it starts to rain. Yes this is perhaps one of the most frustrating things when going shopping, you want to stay dry while… Continue Reading →

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