So, the other day I was just browsing my emails and noticed I had a number of junk emails, which sometimes I do check to see what the inbuilt spam filter is picking up and what do I find…. An email… Continue Reading →
Hey, not had a rant in a while I’ve been living in a bubble like the rest of the world for what seems like forever. However, I’m back baby and to kick it all off another rant about KCOM, this… Continue Reading →
Ok, so KCOM have a product called Lightstream, which offers fibre optic internet meaning you can get speeds up to 200Mbps. However because they are doing fibre directly to the home it’s taking a little longer than normal to get… Continue Reading →
I had been telling myself I was going to build a gaming computer for about 2 years and decided after much persuasion from my friends to finally bite the bullet.
Right why is it that when you’re sat on a train having spent a small fortune for the ticket, do the train operators deem it not necessary to come and check your ticket. Instead they bring that absolute massive wagon… Continue Reading →
Right, why do people think it’s acceptable to walk in front of you but really slowly. Sometimes you can’t get by them because people are in the way there’s literally nothing you can do but get frustrated. I honestly think… Continue Reading →
I am pleased to welcome back a previous guest grumbler who has a problem that many of us have faced before. This has been edited slightly from the original so younger audiences can still appreciate the anger this has caused… Continue Reading →
Okay so recently I have had the unfortunate experience with dealing with a delivery company that goes by the name UKMail. For a delivery, courier company they have absolutely no ability to do their simple task… delivering the actual parcel…. Continue Reading →
I was sent this grumble the other day, there seems to be a lot of research in to this, he doesn’t sound very happy. My complex and serious grumble against the supermarkets and pharmaceutical industry… I’ve been ill this week… Continue Reading →
Now I love going to the cinema, in fact I would probably say it’s one of my favourite hobbies. However there are certain things that happen at the cinema that just infuriate me, the thing is every single one of… Continue Reading →
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