This has happened on more than one occasion. You are walking down a busy high street and it starts to rain. Yes this is perhaps one of the most frustrating things when going shopping, you want to stay dry while your’e trying on your new shoes, jeans, tshirt etc. Then good old English weather decides its time it will shower you (literally) with everything than it means to be British….. Getting rained on.

Now being from Cumbria I know the wet weather better than anyone so I know what goes through everyone’s mind at that point. However I am probably slightly different due to the amount of time this particular thing has happened to me now. You’ll be walking down the road when it start to rain, as described above. Then out of no where BOOM right in the eye, some absolute genius has opened up their umbrella without checking to see who was around them or if they were going to damage someone else in the process. I’m there looking around to see the person that has nearly blinded me and to my absolute shock and horror, its not just a generic normal umbrella that general joe public would use. No its a gigantic golfing umbrella  that could fit half the street underneath it. Yet there they are, oblivious to every single other person trying to walk down the street without losing an eye.

Once over the initial shock of nearly losing an eye, I continue walking doing every single mixed martial arts dodge known to man to avoid the thing attempting to rid my face of the thing that allows to see. What happens next is too much for me to handle, the guy just stops, no warning no slowing down. STOPS DEAD, right in front of me. I manage to duck and avoid getting stabbed again, however this absolute weapon of mass destruction then swings around and nearly takes every single person out in his 4m radius.

That was the last straw so I did the most British thing known, said excuse me to the gentleman with the said umberella, walked past him and picked up my pace as to avoid getting hit in the back of the head.